When buying a good conditioner, we expect it to successfully eliminate hair problems and want it to work deeply and intensively. Whenever you do not...

Many myths have arisen in terms of hair and hair care. Often repeated opinions can be partially true, but do you know where to find the answers which...

Beautiful, thick and well taken care of hair that are smooth and in great condition… is there anyone who do not dream of them? Unfortunately,...

Popping pimples, alcohol-based toners, sunbed, several layers of foundation… This is not the way to get rid of acne. You must do something totally...

Stress is a natural organism reaction to the difficult situation. In the moderate amount it can boost blood circulation and have beneficial impact...

What will we find under the name Balmain Hair Perfume? Contrary to what it may seem like, the name is neither a mistake nor purposely misleading. This...

Tangled hair, under-eye puffiness, a button from the pillowcase imprinted on your cheek… Is that what your face looks like immediately after waking up? If so, read the text and you will know what to do with it. Discover reliable methods for perfect look...

Even though hair endures a lot, there are some situations that cause almost irreversible damage in its inner and outer structures. In most cases these wrongdoers are high temps, wrong hair care products and unfavorable environmental factors like freezing cold,...

How to care for skin that is prone to broken capillaries and rosacea? What products to choose to provide all the essential ingredients? What to use to maintain its health? There’s just one answer: Nanoil Anti-Redness Face Serum. Women like to reach for high-end...

Wrinkles have no mercy. They may appear even when we’re still young. What to do when the skin starts losing elasticity and youthness? Don’t let the unwanted changes get you down. You can encourage the production of collagen and revive the skin using...


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Ranking of Popular DIY Eyelash Extension Kits

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Health & Fitness

BIO, ECO, VEGE. Which natural cosmetics are best?

Herbal DIY: Mist For Greasy Hair

What are other possible uses for mineral cosmetics?