Source of fatty acids – corn oil in hair care

There is a reason why there are so many corn plantations worldwide. Yellow corncobs are tasty as well as possess numerous precious nutritional ingredients. Oil extracted from corn germs does good in the kitchen and… on hair.

Corn has been known for several thousand years BC. The largest corn plantations can be found in Mexico. It is popular in form of healthy corn oil used in cooking. This product can be used in a completely different way. For example, it is perfect for high porosity hair care. Should we add it to our daily hair care routine?

Corn oil – source of good acids

The greatest assets of corn oil are the ingredients. It is extracted through cold-pressing of corn germs. The oil offers appropriate proportions of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It also possesses incredible number of valuable nutritional ingredients.

What are these substances? Corn oil is suitable for hair mainly due to large amount of essential fatty acids, including oleic acid (20%-30%) and linoleic acid (45%-70%). The concentration of palmitic acid is slightly lower. All these ingredients cooperate well with high porosity hair or hair that is getting high porosity. They provide nourishment and repair.

Apart from large amount of fatty acids, corn oil contains some valuable vitamins as well. Vitamins E and K come in largest quantities. They enhance nourishing properties of corn oil and provide delicate (for skin and hair) action.

Corn oil in hair care

Corn oil used in hair care is a great idea. We can have high expectations towards this oil. It is one of the best oils for high porosity hair which needs regeneration and strong nourishment. What benefits does it bring?

Natural corn oil is effective and versatile. It is suitable for oiling hair treatment, even in case of psoriasis and scalp irritation. If you use the oil regularly, it smooths hair, adds shine makes detangling easier. What is more, corn oil rubbed in the scalp boosts hair growth, strengthens hair bulbs and prevents premature and excessive hair loss.

The balance of acids in corn oil is the key to healthy scalp. Corn oil prevents inflammation, soothes irritation, provides proper hydration in the scalp and eliminates flaking skin.

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